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Liner cylinder Import Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Import Data of Liner cylinder & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Liner cylinder Import Data with import shipment data of Liner cylinder importers in India. Liner cylinder Import Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Liner cylinder Import data report helps to analyse Import price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of Import data of Liner cylinder.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 73182990 cylinder liner sealing ring 300 06-11(40 pcs)(ship spare formv uma prem) 13 KGS 4.74 61.62 china
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84099990 cylinder liner 300 06 22a(1 pcs)(ship spare for mv uma prem) 110 KGS 5.57 613.13 china
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84122100 liner,cylinder (part no. 65.01201-0311c ) (parts for excavator) 30 PCS 29.55 886.55 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84099191 cylinder liner d80 part no:12101-zxa7-920 (shiping mark no :kyb-160671-01c & kyb-160672-01c) 1008 PCS 24.83 25028.84 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84122100 liner,cylinder (part no. 65.01201-0072a) (parts for excavator) 12 PCS 39.78 477.35 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84099990 liner -cylinder 3221126 6 NOS 98.70 592.20 united states
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 84099990 gm31808 liner, cylinder 3 NOS 627.26 1881.78 united states
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84099990 liner -cylinder 1903562 6 NOS 23.38 140.26 united states
22-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84099990 used cylinder liner 1 PCS 977.04 977.04 finland
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84122100 liner,cylinder (part no. 65.01201-0311c) (parts for excavator) 12 PCS 31.09 373.08 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84099990 4333991 liner, cylinder 75 PCS 47.04 3528.13 china
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84099990 4397185 cylinder liner 30 PCS 45.90 1377.11 china
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84123100 single-acting cylinder rt/57332/mc/25/spc990226 *du=32 hub=25 (liner acting) (components for textile machinery) 6 PCS 41.04 246.24 germany
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84123100 single-acting cylinder rt/57320/mf/25/spc990225 *d=20 hub=25 (liner acting) (components for textile machinery) 3 PCS 40.30 120.90 germany
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84099990 cylinder liner - 11.05003-0096 [components for diesel engine] 36 NOS 240.63 8662.79 china
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 40169320 sealing ring for cylinder liner 5550110159 (spares for diesel engines) 3 PCS 19.64 58.91 germany
21-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84129090 hyliner09 hy650x*/710x* hyd. liner w/o-ring grov. pneumatic / hydraulic cylinder parts 3 NOS 36.50 109.51 canada
21-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84099990 1110-01003-1110 cylinder liner brown coller diamond 21h(parts of rotary tiller engine) 100 NOS 2.18 218.16 china
21-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84099990 1100a-01004-cylinder liner water seal ring 15 hp goog qlty(parts of rotary tiller engine) 1000 NOS 0.03 30.30 china
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84099990 cylinder liner size 0 5240114210 (spares for diesel engines) 5 PCS 398.28 1991.40 germany

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  • Who are the top Importers and buyers of Liner cylinder in India?
  • What are the top exporting countries of the world who exports Liner cylinder to India?
  • How much quantity of Liner cylinder does India Import?
  • At what price India Import Liner cylinder?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Importers of Liner cylinder?
  • Who is the largest importer of Liner cylinder in the world?
  • What type of Liner cylinder imported to India?

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