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HS Code 130219 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 130219

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 130219 export data and export data of products under 130219 HS code. 130219 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 130219, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 13021919 ksm-66 ashwagandha extract 125 KGS 62.82 7852.72 johannesburg - johan
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021919 bioperine (0215) (black pepper extracts)batch nos: 16d223001-03 600 KGS 342.81 205684.47 dubai
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021919 varuna extract 1.5% eu 5 KGS 21.44 107.21 frankfurt/main int'l
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021918 granular herbal extracts garcinia cambogia granules gcg 50 batch no:gcg 16154 eou (under meis scheme) 2000 KGS 22.54 45086.25 new york
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021919 marigold extracts(oleoresins solvent free marigold oil suspension)batch no:hs1607003 250 KGS 111.00 27750.00 taipei
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021919 herbal extracts withania somnifera 1.5% 100 KGS 32.95 3294.96 new york
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 13021919 marigold soft extract (lutein 20%) oil form 5 KGS 103.74 518.71 taipei
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 13021919 nisarg soapnut extract (herbal extract) 200 KGS 32.47 6494.82 toronto
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 13021919 lutein ester 10% powderbatch no : fpr-16-035mfg date: 10 nov 2016 20 KGS 60.00 1200.00 bangkok
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 13021916 neem leaf powder 28 KGS 3.50 98.00 kuala lumpur - int'l
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021919 bacopa monnieri extract 20% 100 KGS 20.59 2059.22 barcelona
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021919 marigold extract : lutemax free lut os 20%/saf-015 405 KGS 122.24 49508.59 hamburg - fuhlsbuett
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021919 capsicum extract : capsimax capsicum ext bdlt 2% - 801 5 KGS 362.68 1813.42 new york
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 13021919 brahmi extract 270 KGS 31.82 8592.73 newark, nj
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 13021919 herbal extract coleus pe-30% (coleus forskohlii extract-30%) 1000 KGS 354.16 354163.17 osaka
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 13021919 stevia leaf powder 20 KGS 7.00 140.00 kuala lumpur - int'l
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 13021918 garcinia powder 1 KGS 8.50 8.50 kuala lumpur - int'l
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021918 garcinia cambogia extract lot no lgc5eg1616l05 (we intend to claim rewards undermerchandise export from india scheme me 500 KGS 27.50 13750.00 indianapolis, in
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021919 emblica officinale juice powder lot no leo2jp1602c21 (we intend to claim rewardsunder merchandise export from india sch 100 KGS 12.00 1200.00 indianapolis, in
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 13021919 paprika extract : omnixan # 3r, 3'r zeaos 14%/saf/eu-802 15 KGS 789.87 11848.03 bucharest, otopeni

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