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HS Code 15121110 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 15121110

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 15121110 export data and export data of products under 15121110 HS code. 15121110 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 15121110, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
19-Oct-2016 tughlakabad 15121110 plant oils :sunflower oil 1260 KGS 2.98 3754.40 new york
12-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 15121110 assorted food stuff.sunday sunday sunflower oil 5ltr 20 PAC 24.94 498.74 jebel ali
28-Sep-2016 mundra 15121110 sun flower cooling oil 5ltr othr dtls as per inv. 24 NOS 6.15 147.60 mombasa
25-Sep-2016 tughlakabad 15121110 plant oils :sunflower oil 360 KGS 2.98 1073.18 new york
08-Sep-2016 kanakpura - jaipur icd 15121110 veer balak mustard oil (500ml x 30pc) 450 PCS 1.05 472.50 tema
08-Aug-2016 chennai sea 15121110 gold winner sunflower oil( 5 litre cans ) 180 LTR 4.50 810.00 bangkok
14-Jun-2016 chennai sea 15121110 sun flower oil 40 LTR 8.75 350.00 alexandra(egypt)
23-May-2016 chennai sea 15121110 gold winner 1ltr pack 450 KGS 1.29 579.08 port kelang
12-Apr-2016 chennai sea 15121110 gold winner refind oil 600 LTR 1.57 942.21 port kelang
15-Mar-2016 tughlakabad 15121110 herbal products :sunflower oil 900 KGS 2.69 2422.05 new york
03-Mar-2016 chennai sea 15121110 double refined sesame oil 100 NOS 17.96 1796.49 zurich
03-Mar-2016 chennai sea 15121110 organic terra sesame oil 25 NOS 4.36 109.04 zurich
03-Mar-2016 trivendrun air cargo 15121110 premium mustard oil 10 KGS 4.05 40.46 bahrain
13-Dec-2015 kanakpura - jaipur icd 15121110 veer balak mustard oil ( 500ml x 30pc) 1 NOS 40.76 40.76 lome
13-Dec-2015 bangalore 15121110 fortune sunflower oil - 12 * 1 ltr (we intend to claim rewards u.merchanise exports from india scheme(meis)a30 300 LTR 1.63 488.63 new york

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