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HS Code 15220090 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 15220090

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 15220090 export data and export data of products under 15220090 HS code. 15220090 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 15220090, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
20-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 15220090 vegetable edible wax 18 KGS 4.10 73.75 kabul
23-May-2016 chennai air cargo 15220090 chandirika soap 160 PCS 0.05 8.68 singapore
23-May-2016 chennai air cargo 15220090 himalaya neem turmeric soap 75 gm 90 PCS 0.05 4.88 singapore
23-May-2016 chennai air cargo 15220090 himalaya soap 75 gm 52 PCS 0.05 2.82 singapore
23-May-2016 chennai air cargo 15220090 himalaya soap 125 gm 60 PCS 0.08 4.65 singapore
23-May-2016 chennai air cargo 15220090 himalaya soap 125 gm 72 PCS 0.07 5.02 singapore
11-May-2016 nhava sheva sea 15220090 washing nuts (free trade sample) 90 PCS 0.00 0.00 hamburg

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