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HS Code 20096900 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 20096900

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 20096900 export data and export data of products under 20096900 HS code. 20096900 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 20096900, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
17-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products noni alovera juice ; extract of noni juice 50% alovera 50% 200 PCS 2.95 589.27 toronto
17-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products five in one juice 500ml;extract of alovera juice50%, amla juice20%,wheat grass juice 15% ash.juice 10% 200 PCS 1.96 392.85 toronto
17-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products kari patta juice 500ml;extract of kari patta 90%, pudina juice5% ajwain juice 4.8%, black salt 0.2% 200 PCS 0.98 196.42 toronto
03-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products wheat grass amla juice 500ml ; extract of wheat grass juice 85%amla juice 15% 200 PCS 2.00 400.00 toronto
03-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products noni alovera juice 500ml. extract of; noni juice 50% alovera juice 50% 200 PCS 3.00 600.00 toronto
03-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products arjuna risthta juice ;extract of arjun tree bark juice 50mg. giloy juice 50mg. 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
03-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products wheat grass gilloy juice500ml ; extract of wheat grass juice 85% giloy juice 15% 200 PCS 2.00 400.00 toronto
03-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products alovera pineapple juice500ml. aloe barbedensis juice 90% pineapple juice 9% stevia juice 1% 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
27-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products punar risthta juice 500ml. ; punarva juice 50mg. triphla juice50mg. 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
27-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products arjuna risthta juice 500ml. ; arjun tree juice 50mg. giloy juice50mg. 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
27-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products noni alovera juice ; extract of noni juice 50% alovera juice 50% 100 PCS 3.00 300.00 toronto
27-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products alovera pineapple juice500ml. ; extract of aloe barbedensis juice 90% pineapple juice 9% stevia juice 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
27-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products wheat grass gilloy juice 500ml. ; extract of wheat grass juice85% giloy juice 15% 160 PCS 2.00 320.00 toronto
25-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products five one juce (500 ml.)extract of; alovera juice 50% amla juice20% wheat grass juice 15% ash.juice 10% 200 PCS 2.00 400.00 toronto
25-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products wheat grass amla juice (500 ml.) extract of wheat grass juice 85% amla juice 15% 180 PCS 2.00 360.00 toronto
25-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products noni juice (500ml.) extract of; noni juice 50% alovera juice 50% 100 PCS 3.00 300.00 toronto
25-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products arjuna risthta juice ; extract of arjun tree juice 50mg. giloy juice 50 mg 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
25-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products punarva risthta juice 500ml. ; extract of punarva juice 50mg. triphla juice 50mg. 200 PCS 1.00 200.00 toronto
16-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products noni alovera juice(500ml) extract of; noni juice 50% alovera juice 50%) 200 PCS 3.00 600.00 toronto
16-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 20096900 herbal products arjuna risthta juice (500ml) extract of; arjun tree bark juice50mg giloy juice 50mg) 160 PCS 1.00 160.00 toronto

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