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HS Code 21021090 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 21021090

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 21021090 export data and export data of products under 21021090 HS code. 21021090 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 21021090, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
07-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 raw materials - mannon oligosaccharide (mos) (we intend to claim rewards under meis) 300 KGS 3.07 922.34 singapore
31-Oct-2016 petrapole road 21021090 baking powder / misri 980 KGS 0.85 829.75 benapole
27-Oct-2016 hyderabad air cargo 21021090 saccharomyces boulardii 20 billion cells/g (appendix 3b meis schedule s/no: 655) 25 KGS 77.70 1942.38 los angeles
26-Oct-2016 hyderabad air cargo 21021090 saccharomyces boulardii 105 KGS 118.83 12476.71 hamburg - fuhlsbuett
16-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 21021090 ready made food stuffs 2500 PCS 0.07 181.80 singapore
10-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 21021090 bell indian parotta hp 385 PCS 0.36 139.99 singapore
10-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 21021090 readymade chapati 100 PCS 0.36 36.36 singapore
04-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 21021090 "food stuff "" bell indian parotta hp""" 459 NOS 0.44 200.97 singapore
04-Oct-2016 petrapole road 21021090 baking powder / misri 2000 KGS 0.85 1692.74 benapole
21-Sep-2016 delhi air cargo 21021090 ft 858 l plus (yeast) 200 KGS 17.79 3558.46 lahore
20-Sep-2016 petrapole road 21021090 baking powder / misri 2350 KGS 0.85 1988.82 benapole
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 boiler fot opti s4 -labwares made from fused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 1 NOS 67.20 67.20 ho chi minh c
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 boiler fot opti m4 -labwares made from fused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 2 NOS 63.00 126.00 ho chi minh c
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 opti-m 4 single distilled,4 litres/hr-labwares made from fused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 6 NOS 180.60 1083.60 ho chi minh c
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 metal heater for m-4 -labwares made fromfused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 2 NOS 50.40 100.80 ho chi minh c
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 silica heater for s-4 -labwares made from fused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 3 NOS 63.00 189.00 ho chi minh c
13-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 21021090 aqua-on-4d borosilicate double distillation -labwares made from fused silica/quartz/laboratorywares 1 NOS 798.00 798.00 ho chi minh c
04-Sep-2016 chennai air cargo 21021090 bell indian parotta hp 630 NOS 0.44 276.36 singapore
26-Aug-2016 petrapole road 21021090 sweet powder 190 KGS 0.50 95.00 benapole
22-Aug-2016 petrapole road 21021090 sugar / baking powder 1000 KGS 0.10 99.32 benapole

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