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HS Code 32041690 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 32041690

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 32041690 export data and export data of products under 32041690 HS code. 32041690 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 32041690, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
22-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuff levafix oliveca 100 180 box x 20 kgs 9 pallet x 400kgs 3600 KGS 15.40 55440.00 rotterdam
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 32041690 reactive dyes and preparations basedthereon-levafix olive ca 100(reactive other) 80 KGS 30.88 2470.02 colombo
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 32041690 synthetic organic dyes reactive magenta hb 3375 KGS 2.99 10076.84 bangkok
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuff (reactive dyes and preparation based thereon)-procion crimson h-exl 24 KGS 8.65 207.49 tanjung priok
21-Nov-2016 petrapole road 32041690 assorted goods:reactive dice(api) 7 KGS 1.30 9.10 benapole
21-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 synthetic organic reactive dyes dycrofixturq ssx 200 KGS 7.20 1439.47 tashkent
20-Nov-2016 mundra 32041690 nuwhite bac (dyes and chemicals) 300 KGS 9.19 2755.63 chittagong
18-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 32041690 procion black px-n 50 GMS 0.02 1.00 jakarta
17-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuff, reactive dyes, qutive crimson he uconc 200 KGS 5.11 1021.40 callao
17-Nov-2016 pipavav victor port 32041690 synthetic organic reactive dyes:2.sarafpurple p3r h/c (as per inv) 1250 KGS 2.44 3045.17 chittagong
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuffs: sirius orange 3gdl (4 boxes) 100 KGS 23.00 2300.00 frankfurt/main int'l
15-Nov-2016 bangalore 32041690 direct black 25 KGS 0.08 2.00 chittagong
15-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 colron t. blue g 166 500 KGS 4.04 2021.31 karachi
15-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuffs: sirius orange 3gdl (6 boxes) 150 KGS 23.00 3450.00 osaka - kansai int'l
14-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 colron scarlet glx 100 KGS 4.88 487.87 colombo
14-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 reactive dyes reactobond deep blue lw asinv. 5550 KGS 5.06 28100.00 chittagong
11-Nov-2016 mundra 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuff- reactive maroon sam conc (024 drums x 25 kgs each) -o/d as per inv & pkg list 600 KGS 6.88 4126.25 jakarta
11-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 32041690 synthetic organic dyestuff(reactive dyesand preparations based thereon)-prociongrey px-r(reactive other) 3000 KGS 8.53 25590.00 ambarli
11-Nov-2016 petrapole road 32041690 rec magenta mb rec purpel h3r 1000 KGS 2.06 2057.32 benapole
10-Nov-2016 sabarmati icd 32041690 reactive dyes - re. magenta mb ( re. purple h3r )(violet 1) - other as per invoice 11000 KGS 1.36 14963.74 chittagong

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