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HS Code 54078290 Export Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Export Data of HS Code 54078290

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 54078290 export data and export data of products under 54078290 HS code. 54078290 export Data report helps to find all products exported under the HS code 54078290, exporting price, exporters list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed)hometown - 2025.7 MTR 3.14 6363.65 antwerpen
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed)skip - gsm: 492.9 MTR 3.87 1905.75 antwerpen
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed)arch - gsm: 478.2 MTR 3.87 1848.91 antwerpen
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed) tilt - gsm 395.4 MTR 3.87 1528.77 antwerpen
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed) marble - g 515.1 MTR 2.80 1439.86 antwerpen
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 dyed woven fabrics cnt le/th85%by wt ofm/mde/fil/y&/or m/mde/stap/fib. c-sp50%p-fil50%w140cms[gsm336.189]srd 53336-140c 846.4 MTR 4.75 4020.40 felixstowe
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 cotton spun 50%,polyester filament 50%w140cms[gsm367.970]srd 53336-fr backing-140cms 754.7 MTR 5.90 4452.73 felixstowe
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man-made filament yarn and/or man-made staple fibre(dyed) aurora - g 308.7 MTR 4.00 1234.80 melbourne
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54078290 dyed woven shirting fabric (width 89 cms) (55% poly/45% cotton) (wov.fab.cont.less than 85% by wt.of m/made fila.yarn)an 2200 MTR 1.31 2882.00 shanghai
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 other woven fabrics containing less than85% by weight of man made filament yarn, mixed with cotton - polyester shirtin 549.56 MTR 1.35 741.07 bangkok
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 other woven fabrics containing less than85% by weight of man made filament yarn, mixed with cotton - polyester shirtin 150.88 MTR 1.50 226.06 bangkok
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 "p/c 60/40 gsm 137 dyed woven fab.cont.less than 85%by wt of m/m fila.yarn/m/m stap.fib,shirting,58""" 10960 MTR 1.52 16607.28 jebel ali
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 "polyester dyed chiffon georgette fabricswith embroidery 44"" x 5 yads and abovesq. mtrs. 14184 gsm 180" 12664 MTR 2.37 30046.44 lome
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man made filament yarn and/ or man made staple fibre (dyed). shirt 4293.64 MTR 1.14 4893.10 dammam
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 woven fabrics containing less than 85% by weight of man made filament yarn and/ or man made staple fibre (dyed). shirt 1765.48 MTR 1.14 2011.97 dammam
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 dyed woven fabrics cont85% or m/by wt/ofman-made fil/y/& man-made st/fib.cott sp16%,poly fil71%,poly sp13% w140cms [gsm 2417.9 MTR 3.25 7858.18 concord
21-Nov-2016 mulund 54078290 blended embd fabricswoven fabrics containg less than 85% bywt of manmade flmt yr &manmade staple fi 9470 MTR 2.47 23366.42 lome
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54078290 processed fabrics width 140 cms- srd 53336-140cms cotton spun 50%,polyester filament 50%- dyed woven fabrics containing 195 MTR 4.75 926.25 london - heathrow
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 we intend to claim rewards under merchandise exports from india scheme (meis) 0.001 NOS 0.00 0.00 jebel ali
21-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 54078290 dyed woven fabrics cnt 85%or m/by wt ofm/mde/fil/y&/or m/mde/stap/fib.cott-sp16%,poly-fil 71%,poly-sp13%w140cms[gsm241. 169 MTR 2.00 337.70 jebel ali

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