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Eggs Export Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Export Data of Eggs & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Eggs Export Data with export shipment data of Eggs exporters in India. Eggs Export Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Eggs export data report helps to analyse export price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of export data of Eggs.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD FOB USD Destination Port
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh white shell table eggs (chicken) tray 12x30=360 eggs in one box. 472320 NOS 0.06 28426.52 bandar abbas
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 white shell table eggs packed in paper board cartons egg size 50-55 gms of indian origin 472320 NOS 0.06 30533.10 sohar
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 157500 NOS 0.06 9922.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 10500 NOS 0.06 682.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 15750 NOS 0.06 1023.75 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 36750 NOS 0.07 2388.75 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 6300 NOS 0.07 409.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 21000 NOS 0.06 1365.00 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 indian white fresh shell eggs 50-55 grampacked in strong cartons of 360 eggs each 472320 NOS 0.06 26075.43 bandar abbas
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 31500 NOS 0.06 2047.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh white shell table eggs(chicken) 1416960 NOS 0.06 85729.57 bandar abbas
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 73500 NOS 0.07 4777.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 10500 NOS 0.07 682.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 15750 NOS 0.07 1023.75 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 10500 NOS 0.07 682.50 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 21000 NOS 0.07 1365.00 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 12600 NOS 0.07 819.00 male
22-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 04072100 fresh table eggs 26250 NOS 0.07 1706.25 male
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 04071100 broiler hatching eggs ross-308 (we intend to claim rewards under merchandise exports from india scheme/meis) 115740 PCS 0.28 32415.95 bahrain
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 04071100 broiler hatching eggs 27000 NOS 0.38 10368.99 muscat

Are you looking for more information such as below?

  • Who are the top exporters and suppliers of Eggs in India?
  • What are the top Importing countries of the world who imports Eggs from India?
  • How much quantity of Eggs does India export?
  • At what price India exports Eggs?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Exporters of Eggs?
  • Which is the largest exporter of Eggs in the world?
  • What type of Eggs is exported from India?

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