List of HS Codes of Heading 8901 : All goods (excluding vessels and other floating structures as are imported for breaking up) (Read with Condition No. 84 below)[Exemption Duty Ref by SNo(551) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017] Condition No. 84: If the vessels and other floating s
Hs Codes Section
Section Codes
Section Description
Chapter (86 to 89) – Section XVII - Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels and Associated Transport Equipment
All goods (excluding vessels and other floating structures as are imported for breaking up) (Read with Condition No. 84 below)[Exemption Duty Ref by SNo(551) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017] Condition No. 84: If the vessels and other floating s