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HS Code 09052000 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 09052000

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 09052000 import data and import data of products under 09052000 HS code. 09052000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 09052000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
28-Aug-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet exhausted vanilla bourbon 17071.5 KGS 0.81 13853.73 france
28-Aug-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet exhausted vanilla bourbon 17387 KGS 0.81 14109.76 france
19-Aug-2016 bangalore 09052000 re-import of rejected indian origin goods organic vanilla bean cut-batch no vp-021152 225 KGS 197.51 44440.73 india
23-Jun-2016 nhava sheva sea 09052000 french deluxe vanilla drink po (3644030300)(for institutional/ industrial use only)(83 cas) 1129.46 KGS 4.38 4943.03 united states
03-May-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet exhausted vanilla bourbon 19630.5 KGS 0.81 15933.49 france
03-May-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet exhausted vanilla bourbon 21010.5 KGS 0.81 17053.60 france
10-Apr-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet spent red bourbon vanilla pods 12515 KGS 0.81 10081.01 france
10-Apr-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 spent vanilla beans 7672 KGS 0.81 6179.91 france
21-Mar-2016 tuticorin icd 09052000 wet spent red bourbon vanilla pods 26380 KGS 0.79 20719.96 france
23-Feb-2016 cochin sea 09052000 organic vanilla powder,exported vide sb no:8854026 dt:07.04.2015 500 KGS 65.82 32909.75 india

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