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HS Code 15042010 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 15042010

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 15042010 import data and import data of products under 15042010 HS code. 15042010 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 15042010, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
31-Oct-2016 cochin sea 15042010 fish body oil semi finished (un fit for human consumption) 60.69 MTS 1353.31 82132.10 oman
25-Sep-2016 nhava sheva sea 15042010 "fish oil""for r&d use"" [omega - 3 fish oil ethyl epa30% dha 24% ] qty + 1 drum x 50 kgs" 50 KGS 10.84 541.94 china
18-Aug-2016 cochin sea 15042010 processed fish oil in 43 metal drums for re-export 7200 KGS 9.19 66184.29 united arab emirates
30-Jun-2016 cochin sea 15042010 fish body oil semi finished(un fit for human consumption) 190.069 MTS 1353.31 257221.39 oman
29-Jun-2016 cochin sea 15042010 sardine fish oil ( fish body oil) unfit for human consumption permit no : 312/2016/dadf dt : 01.03.2016 290841 KGS 1.54 447218.10 oman
18-May-2016 cochin sea 15042010 sardine fish oil(fish body oil) 9unfit for human consumption)permit no.312/2016/dadf dt.01/03/2016 76970 KGS 1.12 86153.75 oman
28-Apr-2016 cochin sea 15042010 fish body oil semi finished (un fit human consumption) 508.13 MTS 1353.31 687655.03 oman
28-Apr-2016 cochin sea 15042010 fish body oil semi finished (un fit human consumption) 508.13 MTS 1353.31 687655.03 oman
22-Apr-2016 mangalore sea 15042010 fish body oil (re-import) 500.56 MTS 1295.41 648430.24 china
24-Jan-2016 cochin sea 15042010 fish body oil (for re-export purpose) 184230 KGS 1.19 219879.36 oman

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