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HS Code 23063090 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 23063090

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 23063090 import data and import data of products under 23063090 HS code. 23063090 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 23063090, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
17-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal in pellets (for cattle feed) 524660 KGS 0.27 142265.41 ukraine
17-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal in pellets (for cattle feed) 787540 KGS 0.27 213547.59 ukraine
15-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal in pellets (for cattle feed) 257700 KGS 0.27 69749.36 ukraine
07-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal in pellets (for cattle feed) 257820 KGS 0.27 69781.84 ukraine
31-Oct-2016 vizac sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets ( cattle feed ) 263000 KGS 0.27 70236.90 ukraine
31-Oct-2016 vizac sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets ( cattle feed ) 2000000 KGS 0.27 534120.83 ukraine
31-Oct-2016 vizac sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets ( cattle feed ) 1162630 KGS 0.27 310568.29 ukraine
31-Oct-2016 vizac sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets ( cattle feed ) 174350 KGS 0.27 46561.98 ukraine
31-Oct-2016 vizac sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets ( cattle feed ) 1900000 KGS 0.27 507414.79 ukraine
30-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets(cattle feed) 2000000 KGS 0.27 533729.77 ukraine
30-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets(cattle feed) 2000000 KGS 0.27 533729.77 ukraine
25-Oct-2016 kakinada 23063090 sunflower seed meal in pellets for animal feed in bulk origin ukranian 4000 MTS 257.64 1030558.01 ukraine
25-Oct-2016 kakinada 23063090 sunflower seed meal in pellets for animal feed in bulk origin ukrainian 1999.88 MTS 257.64 515248.09 ukraine
25-Oct-2016 kakinada 23063090 sunflower seed meal in pellets for animal feed in bulk 4000 MTS 257.64 1030558.01 ukraine
21-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal (poultry feed) solvent extracted defattedvariety 1023778 KGS 0.20 206803.16 tanzania
20-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets(cattle feed) 2000000 KGS 0.27 534125.12 ukraine
18-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower seed meal in pellets for animal feed in bulk 12000000 KGS 0.26 3091943.50 ukraine
17-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets(cattle feed) 2000000 KGS 0.27 534251.63 ukraine
17-Oct-2016 tuticorin sea 23063090 sunflower meal pellets(cattle feed) 2000000 KGS 0.27 534125.12 ukraine
12-Oct-2016 mundra 23063090 animal fooder (solvent extracted defatted variety)(animal feed grade) 17.413 MTS 222.20 3869.17 tanzania

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