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HS Code 26011131 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 26011131

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 26011131 import data and import data of products under 26011131 HS code. 26011131 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 26011131, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
08-Nov-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang iron ore khumani lump 17882.837118 MTS 74.73 1336334.44 south africa
08-Nov-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang iron ore khumani lump 12117.162881 MTS 74.73 905481.72 south africa
24-Oct-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 17306.7519 MTS 60.98 1055414.02 south africa
24-Oct-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 7629.2481 MTS 60.98 465252.83 south africa
02-Oct-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 20354.796 MTS 60.98 1241292.25 south africa
02-Oct-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 9645.204 MTS 60.98 588191.45 south africa
05-Sep-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 5528.801 MTS 60.98 337162.83 south africa
05-Sep-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 3828.3 MTS 60.98 233461.16 south africa
05-Sep-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 3853.771 MTS 60.98 235014.45 south africa
05-Sep-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 9471.199 MTS 60.98 577582.05 south africa
05-Sep-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 7317.93 MTS 60.98 446269.21 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1635.556 MTS 60.98 99741.08 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1870.852 MTS 60.98 114090.13 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1249.706 MTS 60.98 76210.80 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1465.992 MTS 60.98 89400.56 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 650.401 MTS 60.98 39663.39 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1897.661 MTS 60.98 115725.03 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 2990.235 MTS 60.98 182353.45 south africa
10-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 3239.597 MTS 60.98 197560.29 south africa
09-Aug-2016 mundra 26011131 assmang khumani iron ore fines 1891.859 MTS 60.98 115371.20 south africa

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