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HS Code 2930 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 2930

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 2930 import data and import data of products under 2930 HS code. 2930 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 2930, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 29309099 sulfolane anhydrous (asia-pacific trade agreement ref no.0116111130000341 dt:20.10.2016) 20000 KGS 1.34 26765.00 china
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 29302000 rubber antioxidant nocrac nbc (vulacanizing agent for rubber compound)(for captive consumption) (cepa no-160222347229101 200 KGS 12.90 2579.64 japan
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 29309099 rubber peptizer noctizer ss (vulacanizing agent for rubber compound)(for captive consumption) 100 KGS 11.87 1186.59 japan
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 29303000 sanceler tt-g (vulacanizing agent for rubber compound)(for captive consumption) 20 KGS 5.07 101.42 japan
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29309099 167850010 methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 4 LTR 24.99 99.97 belgium
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29309099 t/0980/46 thioacetamide, slr, extra pure 100 GMS 1.17 117.32 belgium
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 29304000 dl- methionine feed grade 99% (fta ref no 20165071886) 60000 KGS 2.73 163743.31 singapore
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 29309099 2,2-dithio salicylic acid 98% 2000 KGS 7.74 15481.19 china
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29309099 ep-y0001066_simvastatin for peak identification (10 mg) 4 NOS 90.33 361.32 france
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29309099 usp-1151709_cumene - (1.2 ml/ampule 3 ampules) - (usp reference standards for laboratory use) 1 NOS 234.23 234.23 united states
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29309099 usp-1357227_lamivudine related compound a - (25 mg) - (usp reference standards for laboratory use) 2 NOS 679.40 1358.79 united states
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29309099 a13261.36 3-mercaptopropionic acid, 99% 4000 GMS 0.05 212.50 united kingdom
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29309099 l07599.ap di-n-butyl sulfide, 98% 9 LTR 128.18 1153.66 united kingdom
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29309099 167850010 methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 3 LTR 24.99 74.98 belgium
22-Nov-2016 chennai sea 29304000 dl-methionine feed grade 99% (fta certificate no.20165071887dt 04.11.2016) 20000 KGS 2.83 56565.87 singapore
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 29309099 dimethyl trisulfide (for r&d purpose only) 0.1 KGS 73.77 7.38 germany
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29309099 b1595 1 g d-biotin(organo-sulfur compounds other) 1 NOS 75.26 75.26 united states
22-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29309099 usp-1000818_abiraterone acetate - (200 mg) - (usp reference standards for laboratory use) 3 NOS 925.32 2775.95 united states
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 29304000 dl- methionine feed grade 99% (99073651)batch no:161002s1(poultry feed suppliments)aifta cft no:20165072861 dt.09 nov 20 2000 KGS 2.73 5458.11 singapore
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 29304000 dl- methionine feed grade 99% (99073651)batch no:161012s2(poultry feed suppliments)aifta cft no:20165072861 dt.09 nov 20 15000 KGS 2.73 40935.83 singapore

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