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HS Code 54049010 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 54049010

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 54049010 import data and import data of products under 54049010 HS code. 54049010 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 54049010, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 pdsii vio 4-0 30 suture strand(polydioxanone) 7041 NOS 0.28 1980.58 united states
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 1 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 2818 GMS 0.90 2547.19 united states
08-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 mersilene tape whi 5mm suture strand 400 MTR 6.93 2771.44 germany
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 4-0 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 622 GMS 1.24 770.81 united states
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 1 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 1939 GMS 0.86 1672.99 united states
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 3-0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 23100 NOS 0.14 3334.01 united states
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 0 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 2089 GMS 1.00 2089.37 united states
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 4-0 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 119 GMS 1.24 147.47 united states
02-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 eth mono blk 1 ml sp 250 din suture strand(nylon) 1371 GMS 0.86 1182.92 united states
27-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 vicryl und m2 usp3-0 suture strands ( polyglactin ) 8000 MTR 0.19 1535.20 united states
27-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 vicryl vio m0.7 usp6-0 suture strands ( polyglactin ) 6000 MTR 0.19 1151.40 united states
27-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 mersilene tape whi 5mm suture strand 200 MTR 6.93 1385.72 united states
25-Oct-2016 banglore air cargo 54049010 non-sterile suture thread as per usp size in rolls 735 MTR 12.30 9039.50 korea,republic of
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 3-0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 2000 NOS 0.14 279.54 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 3-0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 30000 NOS 0.14 4193.12 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 4-0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 6000 NOS 0.14 825.14 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 6000 NOS 0.12 735.64 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 3-0 30 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 28000 NOS 0.14 3913.58 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 5-0 36 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 24000 NOS 0.17 3984.69 united states
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 54049010 0 36 ut-m/d-bp-nr(prolene blue suture strand)(polypropylene) 18000 NOS 0.16 2806.45 united states

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