Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 95062100 import data and import data of products under 95062100 HS code. 95062100 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 95062100, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
20-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 95062100 | decoration sample - model of kite board - plastic (exhibition goods for india-itme'2016) | 1 | NOS | 49.62 | 49.62 | germany |
17-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 95062100 | deluxe basketball machine (amusement machine) (mrp rs. 68,000/- per set) | 2 | SET | 555.84 | 1111.67 | china |
12-Aug-2016 | delhi air cargo | 95062100 | surfboard (item code vinacc00453)(interiors for hotel & tourism) | 2 | NOS | 226.45 | 452.91 | united kingdom |
30-May-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 95062100 | fings large, medium, small. (15 pcs) (dtls.as per inv) | 15 | PCS | 8.82 | 132.34 | united kingdom |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | fcs m5 thruster set x3 | 2 | NOS | 24.93 | 49.85 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | mast nova 350 | 2 | NOS | 83.97 | 167.93 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | dolphin 10'' fin | 4 | NOS | 24.93 | 99.71 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | boom nova 160 | 1 | NOS | 57.73 | 57.73 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | mastfoot joint universal t293 od | 1 | NOS | 38.05 | 38.05 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | 10'6 sup air fitness x 34'' | 2 | NOS | 590.38 | 1180.76 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | foam plugs (*4) | 2 | NOS | 9.18 | 18.37 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | 5'10'' fish surf | 1 | NOS | 160.06 | 160.06 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | 6'7'' shortboard surf | 1 | NOS | 160.06 | 160.06 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | 7'9 natural surf padded | 2 | NOS | 202.04 | 404.08 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | 11'4 duratec original | 3 | NOS | 390.96 | 1172.89 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | bic sup beach flag | 2 | NOS | 85.28 | 170.55 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | fcs thruster set soft x3 | 2 | NOS | 19.68 | 39.36 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | mastfoot universal tendon | 1 | NOS | 24.93 | 24.93 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | t-rig mast base 00cm | 4 | NOS | 14.43 | 57.73 | france |
29-Feb-2016 | goa sea | 95062100 | multi leash 7 foot | 2 | NOS | 18.37 | 36.73 | france |