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Frt white Import Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Import Data of Frt white & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Frt white Import Data with import shipment data of Frt white importers in India. Frt white Import Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Frt white Import data report helps to analyse Import price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of Import data of Frt white.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
16-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 36 NOS 270.45 9736.34 germany
15-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 30 NOS 273.03 8191.00 germany
14-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 assy cvr bmpr frt luxury alp white 7452911 6 NOS 89.92 539.53 south africa
14-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 cvr bmpr frt base aspine white 3 7403693 12 NOS 89.92 1079.05 south africa
10-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 3 n5140749 (oeparts manufacturing purpose) (1 num) 5.39 KGS 95.30 513.66 germany
08-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 24 NOS 275.30 6607.19 germany
08-Nov-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 24 NOS 275.41 6609.75 germany
03-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 3 n5138287 (oeparts manufacturing purpose) (1 num) 5.39 KGS 138.47 746.35 germany
01-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 3 n5138289 (oeparts manufacturing purpose) (1 num) 5.39 KGS 135.89 732.47 germany
01-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 3 n5138288 (oeparts manufacturing purpose) (1 num) 5.39 KGS 135.89 732.47 germany
16-Oct-2016 chennai sea 87081090 assy cover bmpr frt m-p alpine white 3 8068046 12 NOS 90.53 1086.37 south africa
13-Oct-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 18 NOS 270.68 4872.19 germany
12-Oct-2016 mundra 85444299 power cord for : oei-157/167/177-2.0mtrcolor off white-frthr details as per invoice 85000 PCS 0.52 43978.03 china
12-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 87141090 h/l vl frt m/guard kit,c white (part no a9708212-nw) (parts of motorcycles) coo:gb 9 NOS 45.05 405.41 united kingdom
09-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 87082900 lh armrest lthr dakota-s frt rr ivory white - b0009727 - interior parts for car door (actual user) - 1 pcs 0.304 KGS 74.79 22.74 united states
09-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 87082900 rh armrest lthr dakota-s frt ivory white - b0009722 - interior parts for car door (actual user) - 6 pcs 1.182 KGS 115.41 136.41 united states
06-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 3 n5133451 (oeparts manufacturing purpose) (1 num) 5.39 KGS 118.79 640.29 germany
05-Oct-2016 chennai sea 87081090 7461900 assy bmpr frt base pnw2 alpine white 12 NOS 266.34 3196.02 germany|
05-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 87082900 mdl rh arm rest door frt high ivory white - v1a65414 - interior parts for car doors (actual user) - 1 pcs 1.334 KGS 41.43 55.27 romania|
03-Oct-2016 chennai sea 39269099 clip frt (white) 62775-0k090 (120 pcs) 1 KGS 30.30 30.30 thailand

Are you looking for more information such as below?

  • Who are the top Importers and buyers of Frt white in India?
  • What are the top exporting countries of the world who exports Frt white to India?
  • How much quantity of Frt white does India Import?
  • At what price India Import Frt white?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Importers of Frt white?
  • Who is the largest importer of Frt white in the world?
  • What type of Frt white imported to India?

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