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Ram assembly Import Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Import Data of Ram assembly & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Ram assembly Import Data with import shipment data of Ram assembly importers in India. Ram assembly Import Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Ram assembly Import data report helps to analyse Import price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of Import data of Ram assembly.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 73261910 nub90148--assembly room ramp(for captive consumption,not for retail sale)--60 pcs --made of steel 12.6367 KGS 35.61 449.99 japan
21-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 73261910 nub90148--assembly room ramp(for captive consumption,not for retail sale)--140 pcs --made of steel 28.3955 KGS 33.06 938.83 japan
21-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 85423900 es34316lf1554utgsszc 7kb flash, 512b ram (integrated circuit) (captive consumption) end use for mfg of pcb assembly 2112 PCS 0.40 836.39 thailand
21-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 85423900 es34316lf1554utgszzc 7kb flash, 512b ram (integrated circuit) (captive consumption) end use for mfg of pcb assembly 12960 PCS 0.40 5132.39 thailand
14-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 95069990 kit assembly ramp efx (fitness equipment) (ncv) 1 NOS 306.60 306.60 united states
14-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 95069990 kit assembly ramp efx (fitness equipment) (ncv) 21 NOS 332.90 6990.88 united states
11-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 73261910 nub90148--room ramp assembly--140 pcs(for captive consumption, not for retail sale) --made of steel 38.2028 KGS 24.77 946.47 japan
10-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 95069990 fitness equipments - kit assembly ramp efx 1 PCS 292.21 292.21 united states
09-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84314390 "brand new ram assembly 2-7/8"" 7-16""x5k p/no:w-644216-08 (parts of oilfield drilling equipment)" 1 SET 7097.31 7097.31 united arab emirates
09-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84314390 "brand new ram assembly 3-1/2"" 7-16""x5k p/no:w-644216-09-00-01(parts of oilfield drilling equipment)" 1 SET 7097.31 7097.31 united arab emirates
09-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84314390 "brand new blind ram assembly 7/16"" x5k p/no:w-644216-01-00-02 (parts of oilfield drilling equipment)" 1 SET 7097.31 7097.31 united arab emirates
07-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84439960 circuit pcb ramps 1.4 [printer assembly parts] 10 UNT 8.85 88.48 china
06-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 95069990 fitness equipments - kit assembly ramp efx 2 PCS 314.81 629.62 united states
27-Oct-2016 banglore air cargo 84717070 odd assembly rambo 9.5mm los-1/lpd-1(00hm518)(dvd drive)(notfor sale) 2 PCS 17.21 34.42 china
25-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84314310 "oilfield equipment ram sub assembly size 5""-2-/8"" vbr pn:645166-02 (make : cameron)" 2 NOS 24939.48 49878.97 mexico
19-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84314390 "ram assembly, typ u 13-5/8"" 3/5/10000 psi 5-1/2"" new mfg api16a monogrammed (p/n: 644225-16a)" 2 PCS 5280.49 10560.97 united states
14-Oct-2016 banglore air cargo 84717070 rambo assembly e49 plds ds-8a9sh w/brkt (04x4357)(dvd drive)(not for sale) 5 PCS 22.45 112.26 china
09-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84314990 torque plate assembly ram pn.21-50-0071, 1532072501, 1532072501 r5 (spare parts for qc cranes) 6 NOS 133.37 800.23 singapore
19-Sep-2016 banglore air cargo 84717070 odd assembly rambo 9.5mm los-1/lpd-1(00hm518)(dvd drive)(notfor sale) 2 PCS 135.82 271.64 china
18-Sep-2016 delhi air cargo 90189099 cm+3433714 vilis / themis / ram module rohs(module assembly)(spare parts for drystar-thermal printer for diagnostic use 2 PCS 2147.01 4294.02 germany

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  • Who are the top Importers and buyers of Ram assembly in India?
  • What are the top exporting countries of the world who exports Ram assembly to India?
  • How much quantity of Ram assembly does India Import?
  • At what price India Import Ram assembly?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Importers of Ram assembly?
  • Who is the largest importer of Ram assembly in the world?
  • What type of Ram assembly imported to India?

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