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Date fruit Import Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Import Data of Date fruit & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Date fruit Import Data with import shipment data of Date fruit importers in India. Date fruit Import Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Date fruit Import data report helps to analyse Import price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of Import data of Date fruit.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power orange 1 ltr -lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated 08.11.2016). 71424 LTR 0.65 46072.01 sri lanka
17-Nov-2016 chennai sea 69111011 noritake porcelainware 4000001 arctic white 6 pcs 91406 fruit saucer 14.5 cm (isftarefno co/isfta/16/10145 dated01.11.20 2.32 KGS 2.76 6.40 sri lanka
17-Nov-2016 chennai sea 69111011 noritake porcelainware 4000001 arctic white 12 pcs 91406 fruit saucer 14.5 cm (isftarefno co/isfta/16/10145 dated01.11.2 3.94 KGS 3.25 12.81 sri lanka
10-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 8041020 wet dates (fruits) 9490 KGS 0.46 4409.05 iran
04-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power apple 1 ltr cp - real 200ml-lk-t(12 pcs/ctn) = isfta dated: 17.10. 71424 LTR 0.52 37243.88 sri lanka
02-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power orange 1 ltr cp - real 200ml-lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated 21.1 17856 LTR 0.66 11722.46 sri lanka
01-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power mango 1 ltr-lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated : 17.10.2016) 53568 LTR 0.66 35591.87 sri lanka
31-Oct-2016 chennai sea 8109090 fresh dragon fruit size:22 9 kgs per cartonaifta reference 16/02/05375 dated 17.10.2016 7605 KGS 1.11 8457.90 vietnam, democratic rep. of
30-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power orange 1 ltr -lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated 14.10.2016). 53568 LTR 0.66 35141.36 sri lanka
30-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power apple 1 ltr-lk-t(12 pcs/ctn) = isfta dated : 14.10.2016 35712 LTR 0.52 18621.93 sri lanka
30-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power orange 1 ltr -lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated 14.10.2016). 53568 LTR 0.66 35141.36 sri lanka
30-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power apple 1 ltr-lk-t(12 pcs/ctn) = isfta dated : 14.10.2016 35712 LTR 0.52 18621.93 sri lanka
28-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 20089999 preserved dates (dehydrated fruits) 3000 KGS 0.92 2755.64 china
28-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 20089999 preserved dates (dehydrated fruits) 3000 KGS 0.92 2755.64 china
26-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power orange 1 ltr -lk-t (12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated 12.10.2016). 71424 LTR 0.66 46855.15 sri lanka
26-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power grape 1 ltr - lk - t (12 pcs/ctn) = isfta dated:14.10.2016 17856 LTR 0.60 10662.56 sri lanka
25-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power pineapple 1 ltr-lk-t(12 pcs/ctn) (isfta dated:12.10.2016). 107136 LTR 0.95 101819.88 sri lanka
20-Oct-2016 chennai sea 08109090 fresh dragon fruit size:20/22 9 kgs per cartonaifta reference 16/02/05254 dated 10.10.2016 7605 KGS 1.13 8630.51 vietnam, democratic rep. of
12-Oct-2016 chennai sea 08109090 fresh dragon fruit (white flesh) size:22-24 9 kgs per ctnaifta reference 16/02/05041 dated 29.09.2016 8370 KGS 0.94 7891.06 vietnam, democratic rep. of
12-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 22029020 real fruit power grape 1 ltr - lk - t (12 pcs/ctn) = isfta dated:23.09.2016 17856 LTR 0.60 10709.97 sri lanka

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  • Who are the top Importers and buyers of Date fruit in India?
  • What are the top exporting countries of the world who exports Date fruit to India?
  • How much quantity of Date fruit does India Import?
  • At what price India Import Date fruit?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Importers of Date fruit?
  • Who is the largest importer of Date fruit in the world?
  • What type of Date fruit imported to India?

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